Sustainable Solutions that Benefit Future Generations
"Stabilization Beyond Security"

Images of violent conflicts, epidemics, natural disasters, poverty, and those who suffer from them are news events reported and streamed to us every day. For most, we believe these humanitarian crises of conflict and instability are better left for others to resolve. For CSI clients (Civil Solutions International), there is an immediate and urgent need to address these crises as rapidly and effectively as possible. While various services exist to address the symptoms of these events reactively, CSI takes a pragmatic approach toward stabilization by using a Civil Affairs methodology to target the root cause of instability and create a more permanent solution.
It is considered conventional wisdom that if you give a person a fish, it will feed them for a day, but if you teach a person how to fish, it will feed them for a lifetime. This framework is the CSI paradigm. While we enable a clear and concise path to stability, we ensure that our approach and knowledge are transferrable to the affected populace and their communities to learn for themselves how to fish, rebuild, grow, and ultimately thrive.
We believe that disaster and civil unrest are replaceable with stability and peace by supporting self-sustaining, integrated solutions where local communities own the solutions.
There are several organizations whose expertise and effective methods are oriented towards reacting to and relieving immediate symptoms of a humanitarian crisis. CSI can coordinate with security operators and humanitarian NGOs to align common goals and efforts for taking the next step, which is to discover the root cause of social unrest and permanently resolve these issues for our clients. We gladly take on the challenge of achieving Civil Sector Reform and Corporate Social Responsibility by incorporating impacted communities, local governments, and local and regional companies to team together to promote growth and stability. Our Civil Affairs specialists provide the essential service medium to facilitate positive outcomes for our clients and those they serve. This is what we refer to as “Stabilization Beyond Security.”
In locations experiencing turmoil caused by armed conflict, epidemics, or natural and human-made disasters, our mission is to provide highly specialized Civil Affairs and stabilization expertise that integrates the affected population to play a critical role in the solution. This results in significantly higher success rates for creating short and long-term stability that has a long-lasting return on investment and impacts future generations.

While CSI and its staff encompass many values in the way we do business, we take pride the most with the following values:
Respect: We work in a vast diversity of communities. We highly respect the cultures and values of the local populace in such communities only to enhance such by strengthening and stabilizing their existing livelihoods to proliferate for generations to come.
Loyalty: By establishing long-term relationships with our clients, we have been and will continue to be grateful and loyal to them, and our clients have been grateful and loyal to us in kind.
Selfless Service: CSI is enriched by enhancing people's livelihoods around the world that are less fortunate, ensuring community solutions to community problems.
About CSI
Civil Solutions International (CSI) was founded in 2007 after recognizing that outdated International Development & Humanitarian Aid methods were not working.
For decades, the world has encountered the same problems, and each time outdated solutions are implemented, the results are always the same; billions in mismanaged Aid, resulting in little to no impact, no sign of sustainable stability, and most importantly, no Return On Investment. Combining Civil Affairs, Soft Power Solutions, and Perception Management, coupled with a Customer/End User 1st "Business" approach, CSI offers clients an alternative to outdated development & aid solutions that positively impacts clients and the people they serve worldwide.
Staff from CSI have a wide variety of academic and on-the-ground operational experience in complex and austere environments, which they draw upon to support our client's critical stabilization needs.
"Stabilization Beyond Security"
More often than not, people focus on short-term stabilization and focus on security, protecting the "Noun" - person, place, or thing. CSI is forward-thinking, as security is not long-term. The end goal is to have a stable region that does not require constant security, hence Stabilization Beyond Security.
About Civil Affairs (CA)
Born out of the US Army Civil Affairs Teams, the founders of CSI quickly realized this unknown, unappreciated, and underutilized concept needed to break free of Government red tape and used at full potential to challenge the status quo of traditional international development.
Civil Affairs (CA):
Definition: (DOD - Dept. of Defense) The activities of a commander that establish, maintain, influence, or exploit relations between military forces and civil authorities, both governmental and non-governmental, and the civilian populace in a friendly, neutral, or hostile area of operations in order to facilitate military operations and consolidate operational objectives.
Civil-Military Operations (CMO):
Definition: (DOD - Dept. of Defense) Group of planned activities in support of military operations that enhance the relationship between the military forces and civilian authorities and population and promote the development of favorable emotions, attitudes, or behavior in neutral, friendly, or hostile groups.
Civil Affairs operators advise military commanders by working with civil authorities and civilian populations in the commander’s area of operations to lessen the impact of military operations during peace, contingency operations and declared war. With their expertise in civil matters, CA operators are the principal unit in assisting a commander in the conduct of civil-military operations. CA operators act as a liaison between the civilian inhabitants of a war zone or disaster area and the military presence, both informing the local commander of the status of the civilian populace as well as effecting assistance to locals by either coordinating military operations with non-governmental organizations or directly distributing aid & supplies.

In times of natural disaster, conflict or unrest, security has primarily been used as a temporary method to stabilize an area to allow for the resumption of basic services, commerce, etc. Security methods are the fastest and most apparent support that can be provided and produces immediate tangible results. But this method of stabilization is costly and often leaves the local populace upset about their treatment and the end condition of the surroundings.
It is becoming more and more apparent that the expertise and skills needed must go beyond just providing security. After basic security has been achieved, the more profound need is to focus on creating a more stable and sustainable social and economic environment for the population. Lasting and self-sustaining stabilization has become an essential part of international development, business operations (CSR) and governmental interaction.
CSI has an expansive network of personnel with vast experience in providing stabilization support in difficult and even hostile environments. We understand the role of security - its strengths and its limitations. Where security stops, CSI’s work begins. Our team takes on the deeper, more complex challenge to eliminate conflicts and strife between the client (governments/businesses/organizations) and the local populace.
At CSI, we believe in a compassionate and less invasive way to achieve stabilization by using Stability Operations, Civil Sector Reform, and Corporate Social Responsibility. So before you consider your stabilization needs, take a moment to think beyond security. Let the team at CSI introduce you to our innovative approach toward lasting, sustained stability and our vast array of services.
View some of our services below.
Expertise That Matters Most

CSI Training Unit (CTU) was created for organizations, corporations, and governments who would like to better train their own organizations in effective Civil Affairs Methods and Outreach Programs.
In our volatile world, there is an increasing demand for Civil Affairs Operators. The pace of demand to train new operators through training classes and training facilities is beyond current public sector capacity. The CTU team at CSI provides low cost options that are tailored to specifically fill these gaps.
Our unique blend of expertise makes us the pre-eminent resource for Civil Affairs, Peace Keeping and Outreach training. Our mission is to provide our clients with a wide range of cost-effective and practical training applications in both theory and hands on instruction. Our trainers can prepare both the public and the private sectors practicing in the art of Civil Affairs and Soft Power solutions.
CSI offers a comprehensive training portfolio that spans the entire Civil Affairs / Stability Operations lifecycle. Our unique approach to stability training shows how multiple organizations can work together and connect stability practices with the people who require civil solutions to achieve a positive outcome for all affected parties.

Why Choose CSI?
In today’s ever-changing geopolitical environment, it has become increasingly difficult for organizations to meet their global commitments without considering the impact that business operations may have on the local populace.

Businesses should carefully consider making stabilization a part of their CSR plan to ensure that their operations have minimal impact to the regions where they serve and operate.
Once stabilization within an operational environment has been achieved, businesses in that region will then enjoy the benefit of operating with little or no local conflict.

When businesses neglect to recognize their operations ability to induce civil unrest within the operational environment, they could encounter billions of dollars in lost revenue during times of conflict.

Even in countries that generally experience stability, disasters and conflict may strike at any time creating an unstable situation. When a country is already dealing with issues of social unrest the challenges to provide stabilization may seem insurmountable.
Disasters and conflict place an increased pressure on the governmental departments for them to provide even the most basic services needed by the local populace.
The problem encountered during instability is that most governments and agencies are simply not equipped to effectively address these challenges. One of the best defenses against humanitarian emergencies is to have a government that is accountable.

During times of crisis, CSI works to legitimize the government and strengthen their accountability by filling in any gaps in service where needed; assessing the situation, providing recommendations and implementing stability solutions.
International Organizations
There are highly trained and specialized organizations worldwide that have military, security and engineering capabilities. And while there is no doubt that they possess the capacity to engage in disasters and conflicts around the world, their expertise is often primarily focused on controlling the impact of such events and regaining order by any means possible.

While establishing basic security in a hostile atmosphere is an extremely important piece of the puzzle, it cannot be the entire focus of stabilization.
An assessment of the surrounding environment must be performed and evaluated prior to transitioning a hostile situation into a stable condition.
Once stabilization has been accomplished, there will be a real chance for that region to benefit from long-term prosperity.
Why CSI Is Effective

At CSI, we have learned through experience that complete stabilization requires comprehensive data collection, a thorough situational assessment of the local populace, the development of an integrated program that will be effective for that specific population, execution of the program by the right team with deep experience in the required services, and a continuous monitoring program to ensure that stabilization is achieved and long-lasting.
CSI offers a global network of experts with a comprehensive stability portfolio spanning the entire Civil Affairs/Soft Power Stability Operations skill sets. We have developed a unique life-cycle model that can allow multiple organizations to work together as one team.
CSI’s life-cycle model ensures that we fully utilize each specific expertise by connecting the stability solutions to the effected populace that would most benefit from them. Maximizing the operational efficiency will create reduced expenditures which is important when dealing with today’s condensed budgets of both the public and private sectors.

CSI offers exciting and challenging career opportunities in multiple professional areas. We recruit highly qualified and highly skilled personnel that include private sector, US military, and law enforcement professionals. CSI is looking for individuals that are of the highest caliber; accountability, integrity, and professionalism.
Our employees enjoy working in an environment that is filled with highly motivated individuals who are dedicated to maintaining a productive and cohesive work environment.
We hire exceptional people and invest time and resources toward their career growth and personal development. CSI promotes a culture of continuous learning, thoughtfully designed to enable employees to grow their personal capabilities and reach their full potential. We will help to assist in your education, provide access to experienced colleagues and offer you an opportunity to work with intelligent, dedicated people who will also challenge you to grow.
Our services are needed and provided around the globe giving our employees a literal world of experience. Your CSI opportunities are defined, in part, by world events, the emerging support service needs of our businesses and the needs of our customers and clients from all around the world. As a result, we will go to where the opportunities take us and provide the services needed, offering you a unique opportunity to make a long-term difference in the lives of people in most need. If you find that idea fulfilling and exciting, get ready for the challenge and opportunity of a lifetime.

For career inquiries, please email your resume to info@csi-incorp.com
Contact Us
Civil Solutions International
757 Third Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Headquarters - USA
Civil Solutions International
169 Piccadilly Mayfair
Dudley House, 4th Floor
London, W1J 9EH
Satellite Office - UK
Civil Solutions International
Al Abraj Street Executive Center
Al Abraj Street, Business Bay
Suite 1501-1508, XL Tower
Dubai, UAE
Satellite Office - UAE
Email: info@csi-incorp.com
Tel: +1-212-203-4168